On a rural road a state trooper pulled this farmer over and said: "Sir, do you realize your wife fell
out of the car several miles back?"
To which the farmer replied: "Thank God, I thought I had gone deaf!"
On a rural road a state trooper pulled this farmer over and said: "Sir, do you realize your wife fell
out of the car several miles back?"
To which the farmer replied: "Thank God, I thought I had gone deaf!"
Witness: "Attached to the ears."
* Lawyer: "Now sir, I'm sure you are an intelligent and honest man--"
* Witness: "Thank you. If I weren't under oath, I'd return the compliment."
* Lawyer: "Do you know how far pregnant you are now?"
* Witness: "I'll be three months on November 8."
* Lawyer: "Apparently, then, the date of conception was August 8?"
* Witness: "Yes."
* Lawyer: "What were you doing at that time?"
* Lawyer: "And lastly, Gary, all your responses must be oral. Ok? What school do you go to?"
* Witness: "Oral."
* Lawyer: "How old are you?"
* Witness: "Oral."
* Lawyer: "What is your relationship with the plaintiff?"
* Witness: "She is my daughter."
* Lawyer: "Was she your daughter on February 13, 1979?"
* Lawyer: "And what did he do then?"
* Witness: "He came home, and next morning he was dead."
* Lawyer: "So when he woke up the next morning he was dead?"
* Lawyer: "Could you see him from where you were standing?"
* Witness: "I could see his head."
* Lawyer: "And where was his head?"
* Witness: "Just above his shoulders."
Sepasang datuk dan nenek pergi ke sebuah kedai cenderamata untuk mencari hadiah buat cucu mereka. Kemudian mata mereka tertuju kepada cawan yang cantik. "Lihat cawan itu," kata si nenek kepada suaminya. "Kau betul, inilah cangkir tercantik yang pernah aku lihat," ujar si datuk.
Pada ketika mereka mendekati cawan itu, tiba-tiba cangkir yang dimaksud berbicara:- "Terima kasih untuk perhatian anda, perlu diketahui bahwa aku dulunya tidak cantik. Sebelum menjadi cawan yang dikagumi, aku hanyalah selonggok tanah liat yang tidak berguna. Namun suatu hari ada seorang penjunan dengan tangan kotor melempar aku ke sebuah roda berputar .
Kemudian ia mulai memutar-mutar aku hingga aku merasa pening."Stop ! Stop !" Aku berteriak. Tetapi orang itu berkata, 'Belum !' Lalu ia mulai menyodok dan meninju aku berulang-ulang. "Stop! Stop!" teriakku lagi. Tapi orang ini masih saja meninjuku, tanpa menghiraukan teriakanku. Bahkan lebih buruk lagi ia memasukkan aku ke dalam api. "Panas! Panas!" Teriakku dengan kuat."Stop!Cukup!" Teriakku lagi.Tapi orang ini berkata,"Belum" .
Akhirnya ia mengangkat aku dari api itu dan membiarkan aku sampai sejuk. Aku fikir, selesailah penderitaanku. Oh ternyata belum.Setelah sejuk aku diberikan kepada seorang wanita muda dan ia mulai mewarnai aku. Asapnya begitu memualkan."Stop ! Stop !" Aku berteriak. Wanita itu berkata,"Belum!". Lalu ia memberikan aku kepada seorang lelaki dan ia memasukkan aku sekali lagi ke api yang lebih panas dari sebelumnya." Tolong! Hentikan penyiksaan ini!", sambil menangis aku berteriak sekuat-kuatnya.Tapi orang ini tidak peduli dengan teriakanku. Ia terus membakarku.
Setelah puas "menyiksaku" kini aku dibiarkan sejuk. Setelah benar-benar sejuk seorang wanita cantik mengangkatku dan menempatkan aku dekat kaca. Aku melihat diriku. Aku terkejut sekali. Aku hampir tidak percaya, kerana di hadapanku berdiri sebuah cawan yang begitu cantik. Semua kesakitan dan penderitaanku yang lalu menjadi sirna tatkala kulihat diriku." Datuk dan nenek itu terdiam membisu. Lalu diceritakan kisah itu kepada cucunya.
Seperti inilah kehidupan membentuk kita.Dalam perjalanan hidup akan banyak kita temui keadaan yang tidak menyenangkan, sakit, penuh penderitaan, dugaan, ujian hidup dan linangan air mata. Tetapi inilah satu-satunya cara untuk mengubah kita supaya menjadi "cantik". Jangan lupa bahawa cobaan yang kita alami tidak akan melebihi kekuatan kita kerana Allah tidak akan menguji hambanya melebihi kemampuannya. Ertinya tidak ada alasan untuk tergoda dan jatuh dalam dosa apabila anda sedang menghadapi ujian hidup.Jangan kecil hati, kerana Tuhan sedang membentuk anda. Bentukan-bentukan ini memang menyakitkan tetapi setelah semua proses itu selesai; anda akan melihat betapa cantiknya Tuhan membentuk anda untuk kehidupan yang lebih baik dan bermakna di hari kemudian dan hari pembalasan(akhirat).
Seorang Nurse, Ratna menahan teksi. Sedang dalam perjalanan... Pemandu teksi iaitu Feddy asyik memerhati Nurse itu melalui cermin tengahnya..Merasa kehairanan... Nurse itu bertanya...
"BAJU CINTA???....... kok iye pun..... IRON la dulu bajutuh!! nampak sangat kedutnyer....."
Omar Mokhtar:
From the beginning of 1931 the measures taken by Graziani took their toll on the Senusist resistance. The rebels were deprived of help and reinforcements, spied upon, hit by Italian aircraft, and pursued by the Italian forces aided by local informers. In spite of hardships and increasing risks, Omar courageously continued the fight, but on September 11, 1931, he was ambushed near Zonta because they were out of food, out of mens, out of information and very little ammunations left.
Italian Army forced Libyians to live in Camps:
Italian Army built concentration camps where thousands of Libyans must live under complete control of the Italian army. Grasiany built concentration camps in: Al-Aghaila, Al-Maghroun, Solouq and Al-Abiyar to name a few. By the end of November 1929 all Libyans who live in tents in Al-Jabal Al-Akdar, Mortaf-Aat Al-Thahir from Beneena North to Ash-Shlaithemiya South, from Tawkera to the southern desert of Balt Abdel-Hafeeth and all the members of any tribe that has one or more of its sons fighting with Mojahideen, all those and more, thousands and thousands of Libyans were forced to leave their land and live in one of the concentration camps mentioned above.
In 1933, the Italian Army Health Department Chairman, Dr. Todesky wrote in his book (Cerinaica today): "From May 1930 to September 1930 more than 80,000 Libyans were forced to leave their land and live in concentration camps, they were taken 300 at a time watched by soldiers to make sure that the Libyans go directly to the concentration camps.
Peoples life in the Camps:
Life in the camps was miserable and thousands of Libyans died of hunger, illness and some of them were hanged or shot because they believed to be helping the Mojahideen. Dr. Todesky wrote (continued from his book) "By the end of 1930 all Libyans who live in tents were forced to go and live in the camps. 55% of the Libyans died in the camps." The Libyan historian Mahmoud Ali At-Taeb said in an interview with the Libyan magazine Ash-Shoura (October 1979) that in November 1930 there were at least seventeen funerals a day in the camps due to hunger, illness and depression.
When some world newspapers talked about the inhumane life in the concentration camps in Libya, the Italian army started giving the Libyans some dry parley (22 Kilo-grams per person per month!...) which was too little to late. Outside the camps, in the mountains, the Mojahideen continued to fight the Italian occupation, but by the year 1931 the Mojahideen were out of food, out of information and out of ammunitions. The leader of the Mojahideen, Omar Al-Moktar, was ill couple of times and many of his comrades asked him to retire and leave the country, he was about 83 years old. But he refused and kept fighting.
No respect of human laws:
Grasiani agreed to go to Libya if and only if Mosolini let him do the job without any consideration or respect for rules and laws in Italy or in the World and Mosolini agreed immediately. He planned his murderous attack on the Libyans, all Libyans according to Mosoliny's Motto "If you are not with me, you are against me!" which means the only way to control the country is by killing almost half of its population and the Italians did cause the death of half of Libya's men, women, elderly and childern, directly through public hangings and shootings and indirectly (hunger, illness and horror) for the sake of one thing: showing the world that they have the power to invade and capture colonies just like the other powers in the world.
Capture and Execution:
Mukhtar's nearly twenty years struggle came to an end when he became wounded in battle and was subsequently captured by the Italian army. The Libyan hero was treated like a prize catch by the Italians. Though in his late eighties, Mukhtar was shackled with heavy chains from his waist and wrists because of the army's fear that he just might escape. Mukhtar's capture was a serious blow to his people. However, his resilience had an impact on his jailers, who later said they were overwhelmed by his steadfastness. His interrogators later confessed that Mukhtar looked them in the eye and read verses of peace from the Qur'an as he was tortured and interrogated.
Mukhtar's final adversary, Italian General Rodolfo Graziani, has given a description of the Senusite leader that is not lacking in respect: "Of medium height, stout, with white hair, beard and mustache. Omar was endowed with a quick and lively intelligence; was knowledgeable in religious matters, and revealed an energetic and impetuous character, unselfish and uncompromising; ultimately, he remained very religious and poor, even though he had been one of the most important Senusist figures."
Mukhtar was tried, convicted, and sentenced to be executed by hanging in a public place. The fairness of his trial has been disputed by historians and scholars. When asked if he wished to say any last words, he replied with the Qur'anic clause:
"From Allah we have come, and to Allah we will return."
On September 16, 1931, in the hope that the Libyan resistance movement would wither and die without him, Mukhtar was hanged in front of his followers in the concentration camp of Sollouq the orders of the Italian court. They forced the Libyans to watch their hero been hanged. There were no considerations of human rights in the Libya.
But, remember that the Italians caused the death of half of Libya's population and killing Omar Al-Moktar to the Italians was ending the Libyan resistance which to them means finally taking control of the country after 20 years of struggle. Libya was under the Italian occupation till 1943 when Italy was defeated in World War II and Libya became under the Allies Armies occupation till December 24, 1951 when Libya achieved its independance after years and years of occupation.
Many peoples have taken inspiration from Omar Mokhtar struggle:
Today his face is shown on the Libyan 10 Dinar bill. His final years were immortalized in the movie The Lion of the Desert (1981), starring Anthony Quinn, Oliver Reed, and Irene Papas.
Streets are named for him not only in his native Libya but in many other Arab countries as well. In particular, many fighters which they are fighting for their rights have taken inspiration from his struggle.
CREDIT: obelisk@cari forum